DOB Notification#DOB Notification#DOB Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Date of Birth(%EMP_BIRTHDAY%) is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Regards, HR Team
Driving License Expiry Date#Driving License Expiry Date#Driving License Expiry Date#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Driving License Expiry Date(%EMP_DRI_LICE_EXP_DATE%) is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please take necessary steps needed to renew it. Regards, HR Team
Immigration Expiry Notification#Immigration Expiry Notification#Immigration Expiry Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Passport/Visa Expiry Date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please take necessary steps needed to renew it. Details follow. Passport/Visa No : %NUMBER% Country : %COUNTRYCODE% Issued Date : %ISSUEDDATE% Expiry Date : %EXPIRYDATE% Regards, HR Team
Licenses Expiry Notification#Licenses Expiry Notification#Licenses Expiry Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%''s License Expiry Date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please take necessary steps needed to renew it. Details follow. License Type : %NAME% Start Date : %LICENSEISSUEDDATE% End Date : %LICENSEEXPIRYDATE% Regards, HR Team
Memberships Expiry Notification#Memberships Expiry Notification#Memberships Expiry Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%''s Membership Expiry Date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please take necessary steps needed to renew it. Details follow. Membership : %NAME% Ownership : %SUBSCRIPTIONPAIDBY% Commence Date : %SUBSCRIPTIONCOMMENCEDATE% Renewal Date : %SUBSCRIPTIONRENEWALDATE% Regards, HR Team
Employee Contracts Notification#Employee Contracts Notification#Employee Contracts Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Contract Extension End Date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please take necessary steps needed to renew it. Details follow. Contract id : %CONTRACT_ID% Contract Extension Start Date : %START_DATE% Contract Extension End Date : %END_DATE% Regards, HR Team
Retirement Notification#Retirement Notification#Retirement Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s retirement date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Please provide HR with the following: birth certificate, letters of employments from previous institutions for Pension purposes. Please contact HR Office for assistance. Regards, HR Team
OrangeHRM License Expiry Notification#OrangeHRM License Expiry Notification#OrangeHRM Server license expiry reminder#This is to remind that the License to use OrangeHRM will expire on %EXPIRY_DATE%. Please contact OrangeHRM for an updated License.. Regards, OrangeHRM
Anniversary Notification#Anniversary Notification#Anniversary Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Anniversary Date(%JOINED_DATE%) is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Regards, HR Team
Birthday Wishes#Birthday Wishes#Happy Birthday!#"Hi %RECIPINTNAME%,
Wishing you on behalf of the %COMPANYNAME% Team.
HR Team."
Probation End Date Notification#Probation End Date Notification#Probation End Date Notification#This is to remind that %FIRSTNAME% %LASTNAME%'s Probation End Date is getting closer and reached in %DAYSLEFT%. Regards, HR Team
PIM Updates#PIM Updates#PIM Field Update Notification#The changes to pim fields from %fromDate% to %toDate% are listed below. %pimChanges% Thank you System Admin (This is an auto-generated email, please do not reply!)
Vacancy publishing notification sent to Admin#Vacancy Publishing#Notification: %VacancyName% has been %StateName%#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, The vacancy, %VacancyName%, has been %VacancyCurrentState% on %CurrentDate%. It was in %InitialState% state before being %VacancyCurrentState%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Vacancy inactivation notification sent to Admin#Vacancy Inactivation#Notification: %VacancyName% has been %StateName%#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, The vacancy, %VacancyName%, has been %VacancyCurrentState% on %CurrentDate%. It was in %InitialState% state before being %VacancyCurrentState%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Vacancy closure notification sent to Admin#Vacancy Closure#Notification: %VacancyName% has been %StateName%#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, The vacancy, %VacancyName%, has been %VacancyCurrentState% on %CurrentDate%. It was in %InitialState% state before being %VacancyCurrentState%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Assignment of candidate to vacancy notification sent to Candidate#Candidate Assigned to Vacancy#Notification: Your application is received for %VacancyName%#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, We received your application for %VacancyName%. Thank you for your interest in %OrganizationName%. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview schedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Panel Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview schedule notification sent to Event Manager#Panel Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview schedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Panel Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview schedule notification sent to Candidate#Panel Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, You have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Scheduled phone interview send to Hiring Manager#Phone Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview schedule notification sent to Event Manager#Phone Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview schedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Phone Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview schedule notification sent to Candidate#Phone Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, You have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview notification sent to Hiring Manager#One-On-One Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview schedule notification sent to Event Manager#One-On-One Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview schedule by admin, notification sent to Hiring Manager#One-On-One Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview schedule notification sent to Candidate#One-On-One Interview Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, You have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test schedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Test Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test schedule notification sent to Event Manager#Test Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test scheduled by admin notification sent to Hiring Manager#Test Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test schedule notification sent to Candidate#Test Schedules#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, You have been selected for %EventName% on %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview reschedule notification sent to Event Manager#Panel Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview reschedule notification for already rescheduled interviews sent to Hiring Manager#Panel Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview reschedule notification sent to Candidate#Panel Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Re-scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, %EventName% rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview reschedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Panel Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview rechedule notification sent to Event Manager#One-On-One Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview reschedule notification for already rescheduled interviews sent to Hiring Manager#One-On-One Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview rechedule notification sent to Candidate#One-On-One Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Re-scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, %EventName% rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
One-on-one interview reschedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#One-On-One Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview reschedule notification for already rescheduled inteviews sent to Event Manager#Phone Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview reschedule notification for already rescheduled inteviews sent to Hiring Manager#Phone Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Phone interview reschedule notification sent to Candidate#Phone Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Re-scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, %EventName% rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Panel interview schedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Phone Interview Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test reschedule notification sent to Event Manager#Test Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test reschedule notification for already rescheduled tests sent to Hiring Manager#Test Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% You were sent this mail as you are a %UserRole%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test reschedule notification sent to Candidate#Test Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% Re-scheduled#Dear %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%, %EventName% rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime% We expect your presence on time. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Test reschedule notification sent to Hiring Manager#Test Reschedule#Notification: %OrganizationName% %VacancyName% - %EventName% on Re-scheduled#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s %EventName% is rescheduled for %ScheduledDateTime%. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Candidate rejection notification sent to Subscriber#Candidate Reject#Application Rejection Notification of Candidate %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName% for the vacancy %VacancyName%#Hi %EmployeeFirstName%, Please note that %CandidateFirstName% %CandidateLastName%'s application for the vacancy %VacancyName% was not selected for further consideration. Thank you. You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. This is an automated notification.
Candidate rejection notification sent to Candidate#Candidate Reject#Application Rejection Notification for the vacancy %VacancyName%#Hi %CandidateFirstName%, Thank you for your interest in joining %OrganizationName% team. We wanted to let you know that although your resume and cover letter were very competitive, our hiring team reviewed your application and it was not selected for further consideration. We wish you all the best in your job search and hope we will have the chance to consider you for another role in the future. Thank you. This is an automated notification.
Employee leave application notification sent to Supervisor#Leave Applications#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Applied for %numberOfDays% Day(s) of %leaveType% Leave#"
%performerFullName% has applied for leave. The leave details: %leaveDetails% %additionalLeaveDetails% %nomineeDetails% You can use the below link to directly access the leave. %loginUrl% Thank you. This is an automated notification." Admin leave assignment notification sent to Supervisor#Leave Assignments#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned Leave to %assigneeFullName%#"
%performerFullName% has assigned leave to %assigneeFullName%. The leave details: %leaveDetails% %additionalLeaveDetails% %nomineeDetails% Thank you. This is an automated notification." Admin leave approval notification sent to Employee#Leave Approvals#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved Leave Request of %applicantFullName%#"
%performerFullName% has approved leave request of %applicantFullName%. The leave details: %leaveDetails% Thank you. This is an automated notification." Employee leave cancellation notification sent to Supervisor#Leave Cancellations#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Canceled Leave Request of %applicantFullName%#"
%performerFullName% has cancelled leave request of %applicantFullName%. The leave details: %leaveDetails% %additionalLeaveCancelDetails% Thank you. This is an automated notification." Admin leave cancellation notification sent to Head of department#Leave Cancellations#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Canceled Leave#"
%performerFullName% has cancelled leave. The leave details: %leaveDetails% %additionalLeaveCancelDetails% You were sent this mail, as you are a supervisor assigned for %performerFirstName%. Thank you. This is an automated notification." Admin leave rejection notification send to Employee#Leave Rejections#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Leave Request of %applicantFullName%#"
%performerFullName% has rejected leave request of %applicantFullName%. The leave details: %leaveDetails% Thank you. This is an automated notification." Leave Change Email#Leave Change Email#Leave Notification - %performerFullName% Has Processed Leave Request of %applicantFullName%#"
%performerFullName% has done the following changes to leave request of %applicantFullName%. The leave details: %leaveDetails% %additionalLeaveCancelDetails% You were sent this mail, as you have subscribed to OrangeHRM leave changes. Thank you. This is an automated notification." Bradford Factor Threshold#Bradford Factor Threshold#Bradford Factor Threshold (%subject%)#Hi %subscriberName%, %body% Thank you System Admin (This is an auto-generated email, please do not reply!) Addition of nominee notification sent to subscriber#Nominee Added#%affectedEmployeeName% is added as a nominee for %leaveRequestOwner%'s leave request#Hi %subscriberName%, %affectedEmployeeName% has been added as a nominee by %performerName% for the following leave request made by %leaveRequestOwner%. %body% You received this email because you are a subscriber. Thank you. This is an automated notification. Addition of nominee notification sent to Employee#Nominee Added#You are added as a nominee for %leaveRequestOwner%'s leave request#Hi %subscriberName%, You are added as a nominee by %performerName% for the following leave request made by %leaveRequestOwner%. %body% Thank you. This is an automated notification. Removal of nominee notification sent to Subscriber#Nominee Removed#%affectedEmployeeName% has been removed from being a nominee for %leaveRequestOwner%'s leave#Hi %subscriberName%, %affectedEmployeeName% has been removed from being a nominee by %performerName% for the following leave request made by %leaveRequestOwner%. %body% You received this email because you are a subscriber. Thank you. This is an automated notification. Removal of nominee notification sent to Employee#Nominee Removed#You have been removed from being a nominee for %leaveRequestOwner%'s leave request#Hi %subscriberName%, You have been removed from being a nominee by %performerName% for the following leave request made by %leaveRequestOwner%. %body% Thank you. This is an automated notification. Timesheet submission notification sent to Subscriber#Timesheet Submission#%SubmitterName% submitted timesheet for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%SubmitterName% has submitted the timesheet for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate%.
Please view the timesheet and take the necessary action to Approve/Reject as you wish. Use the following direct link to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet submission notification sent to Supervisor#Timesheet Submission#%SubmitterName% submitted timesheet for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%SubmitterName% has submitted the timesheet for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate%.
Please view the timesheet and take the necessary action to Approve/Reject as you wish. Use the following direct link to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet approval notification sent to Subscriber#Timesheet Approval#%ApproverName% approved timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%ApproverName% has approved the timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Use the following direct link if you wish to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet approval notification sent to Employee#Timesheet Approval#%ApproverName% approved your timesheet for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%ApproverName% has approved your timesheet for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Use the following direct link if you wish to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet approval notification sent to Supervisor#Timesheet Approval#%ApproverName% approved timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%ApproverName% has approved the timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Use the following direct link if you wish to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet rejection notification sent to Subscriber#Timesheet Rejection#%RejectorName% rejected timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%RejectorName% has rejected the timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Please amend the timesheet as per the comment provided by %RejectorName% and submit for approval.
Use the following direct link to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet rejection notification sent to Employee#Timesheet Rejection#%RejectorName% rejected your timesheet for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%RejectorName% has rejected your timesheet for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Please amend the timesheet as per the comment provided by %RejectorName% and submit for approval.
Use the following direct link to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet rejection notification sent to Supervisor#Timesheet Rejection#%RejectorName% rejected timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period %StartDate% - %EndDate%#"Hi %recipientFirstName%,
%RejectorName% has rejected the timesheet of %EmployeeName% for the period of %StartDate% - %EndDate% with the comment ""%Comment%"".
Please amend the timesheet as per the comment provided by %RejectorName% and submit for approval.
Use the following direct link to access the timesheet.
View TimesheetThank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
" Timesheet submission reminder notification sent to Subscriber#Timesheet Submission Reminder#Reminder - Employees have pending timesheets to be submitted#Hi %recipientFirstName%,
Please note that some employees have pending timesheets which are not submitted.
%TimesheetDetails%Thank You.
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber.
This is an auto-generated email.
Timesheet submission reminder notification sent to Employee#Timesheet Submission Reminder#Reminder - Submit your pending timesheets#Hi %recipientFirstName%,
Please note that you have timesheets which are not submitted.
%TimesheetDetails%Thank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
Timesheet approval reminder notification sent to Subscriber#Timesheet Approval Reminder#Reminder - There are timesheets pending for approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%,
Please note that there are timesheets pending for approval.
%TimesheetDetails%Thank You.
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber.
This is an auto-generated email.
Timesheet approval reminder notification sent to Supervisor#Timesheet Approval Reminder#Reminder - There are timesheets pending for your approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%,
Please note that you have timesheets pending for approval.
%TimesheetDetails%Thank You.
This is an auto-generated email.
Appraisal Due Date Notifications#Appraisal Due Date Notifications#Employee Appraisal Due Date Notification#Dear %RECIPINTNAME%, The performance appraisal for the period of %FROM_DATE% to %TO_DATE% %FOR_EMPLOYEE% is due to be completed in %DAYSLEFT%. %REVIEW_FOR_EMPLOYEE% Thank you, HR Team Employee appraisal initiation notification sent to Self Evaluator#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, Your performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% has been activated. Please log onto OrangeHRM, and submit your self-review. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal initiation notification sent to Evaluator#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period of %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been activated. Please log onto OrangeHRM, and submit your review for %Employee_Name%. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal initiation notification sent to Subscriber#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Employee Appraisal Initiated Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period of %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been activated. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal completion notification sent to Employee#Employee Appraisal Completed Notification#Employee Appraisal Completed Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, Your performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% has been completed. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal completion notification sent to Subscriber#Employee Appraisal Completed Notification#Employee Appraisal Completed Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been completed. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal submission notification sent to Main Evaluator#Employee Appraisal Submitted Notification#Employee Appraisal Submitted Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been submitted. Please log onto OrangeHRM and sign it electronically. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal submission sent to Subscriber#Employee Appraisal Submitted Notification#Employee Appraisal Submitted Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been submitted by %performerFullName%. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal rejection notification sent to Evaluator#Employee Appraisal Rejected Notification#Employee Appraisal Rejected Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been rejected. Please log onto OrangeHRM and re-submit it.. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal rejection notification sent to Subscriber#Employee Appraisal Rejected Notification#Employee Appraisal Rejected Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been rejected. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal signed notification sent to Employee#Employee Appraisal Signed Notification#Employee Appraisal Signed Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been signed. Please Log onto OrangeHRM and acknowledge. You will find the acknowledgement option at the bottom of final review in the single view or click on the final reviewers name from the multiple view screen. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee appraisal signed notification send to Subscriber#Employee Appraisal Signed Notification#Employee Appraisal Signed Notification#Dear %subscriberName%, The performance appraisal for the period %from_date% to %to_date% for %Employee_Name% has been signed. Thank you HR Team (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Employee Termination#Employee Termination#Employment Termination Notification#Hi %subscriberName%, %body% Thank you System Admin (This is an auto-generated email, please do not reply!) Employee welcome email sent to Subscriber#Employee Welcome Email#Welcome %firstName% to %companyName%#Dear %subscriberName%,
%firstName% %lastName% is joining with us on %joiningDate%.
The team at %companyName%
You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. Employee welcome email send to Employee#Employee Welcome Email#Welcome to %companyName%#Dear %subscriberName%,
Welcome to %companyName%, we are looking forward to you joining us on %joiningDate%. %supervisorNames% %content%
The team at %companyName% Travel request submission notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Submission#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Submitted a Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has submitted a travel request. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request submission notification sent to Supervisor#Travel Request Submission#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Submitted a Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has submitted a travel request for your approval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request supervisor assignment notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Assignment#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned a Travel Request for %employeeName% and Pending Final Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned a travel request for %employeeName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request assignment notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Assignment#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned a Travel Request for You#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned a travel request for you. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request assignment notification sent to admin#Travel Request Assignment#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned a Travel Request for %employeeName% and Pending Your Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned a travel request for %employeeName% and pending your approval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request assignment notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Assignment#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned a Travel Request for %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned a travel request for %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request assignment notification sent to Supervisor#Travel Request Assignment#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned a Travel Request for %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned a travel request for %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request supervisor approval notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %employeeName%'s Travel Request Has Been Approved by %performerFullName% and Pending Final Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %employeeName%'s travel request has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request supervisor approval notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved Your Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, Your travel request has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request supervisor approval notification sent to Admin#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %employeeName%'s Travel Request Has Been Approved by %performerFullName% and Pending Your Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %employeeName%'s travel request has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending your aproval. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request approval notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved %employeeName%'s Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved %employeeName%'s travel request. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request admin approval notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved Your Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved your travel request. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request supervisor approval notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Approval#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved %employeeName%'s Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved %employeeName%'s travel request. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request rejection notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Rejection#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Travel Request of %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected travel request of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request rejection notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Rejection#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Your Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected your travel request. Please revisit the details and submit it again. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request rejection notification sent to Supervisor#Travel Request Rejection#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Travel Request of %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected travel request of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request cancellation notification sent to Subscriber#Travel Request Cancellation#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Canceled Travel Request of %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has canceled travel request of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Travel request cancellation notification sent to Employee#Travel Request Cancellation#Travel Request Notification - %performerFullName% Has Canceled Your Travel Request#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has canceled your travel request. You can use the below link to directly access the travel request. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request submission notificaion sent to Subscriber#Claim Request Submission#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Submitted an Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has submitted an expense claim. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request submission notificaion sent to Supervisor#Claim Request Submission#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Submitted an Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has submitted an expense claim for your approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request assignment by supervisor notificaion sent to Subscriber#Claim Request Assignment#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned an Expense Claim for %employeeName% and Pending Final Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned an expense claim for %employeeName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request assignment by supervisor notificaion sent to Employee#Claim Request Assignment#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned an Expense Claim for You#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned an expense claim for you. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request assignment by supervisor notificaion sent to Admin#Claim Request Assignment#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned an Expense Claim for %employeeName% and Pending Your Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned an expense claim for %employeeName% and pending your approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request assignment by admin notificaion sent to other admins#Claim Request Assignment#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned an Expense Claim for %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned an expense claim for %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request assignment by admin notificaion sent to Supervisor#Claim Request Assignment#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Assigned an Expense Claim for %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has assigned an expense claim for %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request supervisor approval notification send to Subscriber#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %employeeName%'s Expense Claim Has Been Approved by %performerFullName% and Pending Final Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %employeeName%'s expense claim has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request supervisor approval notification sent to Employee#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved Your Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, Your expense claim has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending final approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request supervisor approval notification sent to Admin#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %employeeName%'s Expense Claim Has Been Approved by %performerFullName% and Pending Your Approval#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %employeeName%'s expense claim has been approved by %performerFullName% and pending your approval. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request approval notification send to Subscriber#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved %employeeName%'s Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved expense claim of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request admin approval notification sent to Employee#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved Your Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved your expense claim. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request admin approval notification sent to Supervisor#Claim Request Approval#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Approved %employeeName%'s Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has approved expense claim of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request rejection notification sent to Subscriber#Claim Request Rejection#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Expense Claim of %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected expense claim of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you, You are getting this email because you are a subscriber. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request rejection notificaion sent to Employee#Claim Request Rejection#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Your Expense Claim#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected your expense claim. Please revisit the details and submit it again. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!) Claim request rejection notificaion sent to supervisor#Claim Request Rejection#Expense Claim Notification - %performerFullName% Has Rejected Expense Claim of %employeeName%#Hi %recipientFirstName%, %performerFullName% has rejected expense claim of %employeeName%. You can use the below link to directly access the expense claim. Link: %loginUrl% Thank you. (This is a system generated email, please do not reply!)